New Feature: Just vote. No registration required.

In the three months since we launched our new Polls feature we’ve had a fantastic response from users and some really useful feedback on how to improve them.

One request was quite specific – make it possible to vote in polls without having to register.

You asked and… we’ve responded.

You can now vote for polls on Assenty without registering on the platform.

See a poll on social media? Just click on it!

No need to log in to Assenty, simply make your choice and it’s done!

And, as with everything on the platform, you can share the results of the poll which become visible only after you have voted.

We’re pretty excited about this feature and early feedback from users indicate it is going to be a hit!

The gap between generating a buzz around your event on social media and getting audience insights just got a lot shorter!

Want to see it in action? Visit this poll.

We’re looking forward to seeing what polls you create!

Connect on Twitter or Facebook and let us know.

Feedback always welcome!

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