April #FemaleTechFounder Night – What about raising funding?

After a sold out(!) second outing earlier in the month, tickets are now available for the next #FemaleTechFounder Night on Tuesday 9 April. Whoop whoop!

As promised, based on the range of questions from the audience on the subject of funding during the last event, the April event kicks off with a Q&A panel on raising funding.

Are you considering funding options for your startup? Are you interested in learning how other founders have done it?

Sign up! Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn from those who’ve been there and got the t-shirt.

The event runs from 6-8:30pm and takes place at Federation House, Manchester.

Tickets are flying already and there are a limited number available, secure your place by registering here.

Please note: #FemaleTechFounder nights are not just for women! Anyone interested in the journey of turning ideas into products users enjoy is welcome. Sign up to attend!

We’ll be announcing the full lineup of speakers in coming days.

Fancy speaking?

You’re in luck! Please get in touch by filling in this form.

Finally, please give us your input.

We’d love to get some audience insights on the multi-faceted topic that is startup founder fundraising. Please take a minute to take part in this quick poll so that we can plan and put on the best possible event (no registration required).