3 Best Practices for Using a Hashtag at Your Event

You may be brainstorming a memorable hashtag for your upcoming event. Now would be a good time to find any best practice guidelines for using hashtags at events, no?

Happy to help!

First, what does a hashtag do?

As HubSpot eloquently put it in this short guide to using hashtags on Twitter:

A Twitter hashtag ties the conversations of different users into one stream, which you can find by searching the hashtag in Twitter Search or by using a third-party monitoring tool such as HootSuite. Popular hashtagged words often become trending topics — topics so many people are talking about that they are a “trend.”

That was easy. What are the best practices for using hashtags then?

1. Keep it short and sweet

Studies show that a six character hashtag performs best. Try and make it memorable and unique to your event.

2. Mention relevant Twitter users quickly

As event organiser you want to build a network around your event as quickly as possible.

It’s relatively easy to do this on Twitter, but takes dedicated effort.

Mention as many relevant Twitter users in tweets using the hashtag as soon as you can. And involve speakers but more on this next…

3. Share questions for the speakers

Involving the speakers in tweets about an event is an incredibly powerful way to grow awareness of the event.

Why? Because they are more likely to amplify the tweets mentioning their involvement.

You can use this to your advantage by inviting questions for speakers at your event, and sharing them as they come in.

How? Use Assenty!

Assenty is an easy way to get fresh content shared about your event on social media by inviting questions for the speakers.

Event organisers submit a few details about their event at assenty.com to get a question board, a URL which anyone can post questions to, for free. No download required!

Each question and question board on the platform is easily shared on social media, and the hashtag for the event is automatically included for you.

Here’s an example of a tweet sharing a link to a question board.

And one sharing a link to a question:

Oh, and questions can also be embedded in websites and blogs, they look like this:

Finally, what happens when you invite questions by involving speakers on Twitter? Retweets and likes, of course. Something like this:

We’re running a free webinar next week on using question boards to create fresh social media content that gets more people signing up for your event. Sign up to learn more.

Image credits:
Wix, Andro4all, Wikistage.tumblr.com, Webhosting Plan Guide