Assenty now supports Answers!

Assenty now supports live answers

Assenty is a social question board service that makes it easy to get questions from the audience at your event.

We’ve added a feature that has been long requested; the ability to answer questions submitted by your audience.

If you’re using an Assenty question board, you can now answer questions submitted by your audience, in real-time, as they are submitted. Read on for more details or watch the screencast demonstrating how to answer questions using Assenty.

Here’s how to answer questions live at your event using Assenty:

1. Log in to your Assenty account.

2. Once logged in, click on the Moderate button in the dashboard

Navigate to the Moderate Board button

3. From the events listed, select the event you wish to moderate to go to its Moderate page

Select the event you wish to moderate

4. On the Moderate page, you can answer a question by typing an answer right within it.

Enter the answer, right within the question

5. That’s it! There is no step #5!

The answer is posted immediately

The answer shows up straight away, within the Question Board…

Answer within the Question Board

…and on the individual question’s Question page:

Answer on the Question’s page

Want to know more?

Watch this screencast to see how easy it is to answer questions from your audience using Assenty.

If you have any questions at all, or come across any bugs whilst using the service, just tweet us at @assentyapp. We’d love to help.

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