#FemaleTechFounder Night – September event round up

Finally, here comes the much delayed write up to September’s #FemaleTechFounder event! Sincere apologies for the delay – it’s been a phenomenally busy few weeks for me (Chi-chi Ekweozor, founder, Assenty) as I juggle contracting, moving house and seeing to Assenty business.

Thank you to everyone who attended the event at Federation House on Tuesday 10 September and thank you to sponsors ThoughtWorks for the fantastic food, refreshments and event space.

Polling before the event indicated a preference for learning how to find and work with early customers and boy did we hear about that!

As is customary at #FemaleTechFounder, the night kicked off with a panel discussion led by seasoned entrepreneurs, Andy Lord, @ceo_code, co-founder and CEO, Code Nation and Chloe Barrett (@immersify_ed), founder of ed tech startup Immersify Education (previously known as DigiDentistry) who joined Q&A host Claire-Marie Boggiano, (@CMBoggiano) on stage.

Both spoke candidly about knowing your customer – Chloe reminded the audience about the importance of understanding how the market takes to your pricing model by communicating this to early customers.

Andy was emphatic too about focusing on customers – he gave some sterling advice: treat every customer like the best customer and make them your advocates.

After the Q&A opener came the second of our pitch practice sessions, with Natalie Jameson (@njco2design), founder and CEO, The Heroworx presenting.

The audience gave some very frank feedback as she concluded her timed presentation, commenting on everything from the delivery to the images included in the presentation. Much of it was very very helpful stuff for further improving her pitch.

Following on from the pitch practice session came the lightning talks and speakers Katy Bass (@katybass04), founder & CEO, Altavox and Rose Dyson, (@PuraCosRose), founder, Pura Cosmetics were electric!

Katie shared about her journey in starting voice consultancy, Altavox. The agency is less than a year old but already is winning business from companies several times its size.

Rosie inspired everyone with her journey in starting Pura Cosmetics.

The youngest ever person on BBC Business, she has already wowed successful entrepreneurs like mentor Brent Hoberman CBE, (@brenthoberman) co-founder of Lastminute.com as she turns a business she started by winning an enterprise competition in high school into an award winning company employing 7!

As ever, Twitter tells the story of the night better, see tweets below!

Time to reflect: Why #FemaleTechFounder?

#FemaleTechFounder nights started back in February as a way to give female founders in tech a forum for sharing their entrepreneurial journey and supporting others starting out.

The very first event took place as part of Assenty’s launch event: four incredibly talented ladies shared the stage with founder Chi-chi Ekweozor and delivered 15 minute lightning talks sharing the highlights (and low points) of starting and running their tech businesses.

Since the inaugural #FemaleTechFounder, the events have been incredibly well attended with a mix of speakers, male and female, and have established a great reputation as a safe place to learn about starting and growing a tech business from founders who are further along in their journey.

Social polling using Assenty’s question board service have proven pivotal in making the events a success. Typically, attendees make suggestions to the event agenda prior to the event by voting in a quick poll like the one below.

These provide a much needed avenue for identifying what the audience want to discuss before the event takes place.

This feedback has formed the basis of the theme for each event and as a consequence the event series has evolved to suit a founder’s needs at different stages in the startup journey.

Going into 2020 we very much want the events to continue but we need your input. More on this when we tell you about our next event but first…

You’re invited to our Christmas shindig!

To end the year in style, we’re having an end of year celebration at Federation House, Manchester on Tuesday 3 December. If you’ve spoken over the year, you’ll be hearing from us about getting involved on the night. Keep an eye out for the Eventbrite!

What to expect at the Christmas event? More fantastic lightning talks and a Q&A discussion on raising your first round of investment funding.