April #FemaleTechFounder Night – On crowdfunding via Kickstarter, NatWest ‘Back Her Business’ initiative

60% of tickets have gone for next week’s #FemaleTechFounder Night on Tuesday 9 April, just two days after we announced the full lineup of speakers!

Only the third ever event, it’s set to be a really informative evening with four inspiring female founders and co-founders sharing their entrepreneurial journey.

Previous speakers have spoken about the inspiration behind their tech product/business idea and any high and low points they’ve encountered in making it a reality.

There is a strong focus on fundraising at this event, based on feedback from the last one, and with crowdfunding increasingly appealing to startups within and without the tech sector, we’re excited to be getting some practical insight on this from Laura Beattie (@laurajbeattie), co-founder of Careaux.

Careaux is a luxury ethical British womenswear brand founded by sisters, Laura and Rachel. Careaux recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for their acclaimed dresses.

On the topic of crowdfunding, NatWest have just launched an innovative crowdfunding ‘Back Her Business’ initiative to support female entrepreneurs across the UK, in partnership with Crowdfunder.

We’re excited to have Heather Waters (@heatherwaters15), Strategic Lead Growth Business Support at NatWest speaking on Tuesday and can’t wait to hear more from her about the initiative which is reducing the gender gap identified by the HM Treasury-commissioned Rose Review by offering up to 50 per cent of an individual’s fundraising target (capped at £5,000 for certain successful projects).

Tickets are flying, have you got yours?

Attendance is free but registration is required. Sign up on Eventbrite.

We’re keen to learn more about what you’d like from events like this.

There’s been so much interest on the topic of raising funding that we’re likely to have a follow up event next month looking at the practicalities of doing so.

Please let us know what you’d like to hear more on by voting in this quick poll (no registration required).

And if you haven’t already, please let us know your thoughts on which kind of startup funding you’re interested in by voting in this one.

Finally, feel free to send in your questions for any of our speakers. Submit questions or suggestions for free on our Question Board! You can post anonymously.

Image credit: africabusinesscommunities.com